
International swimming marathon Rtina 2023

Category: Događanja News published: 20.06.2023.

01.07. - 02.07.2023

International swimming marathon in Rtina has been organized by Ražanac Tourist board in cooperation with the Long Distance Swimming Club"Donat" Zadar for the past several years. The marathon course is 10 kilometers long, and has been attracting local and international long-distance swimming enthusiasts. A rich fund of prizes is always prepared for competitors, and every year more and more swimmers from Croatia and the world show interest in this kind of competition.

Event program:


15:00 Dolazak natjecatelja i trenera u Rtinu/Arrival of contestants and coaches in Rtina


07:45-08:20 - Registracija natjecatelja/Registration of contestants

08:45-Upute vrhovnog sudca u blizini starta/Referee's instructions

08:55 - Ulazak plivača u vodu/ Entry of swimmers into the water

09:00 - Start utrke/ Start of the race

10:55 - Predviđeno vrijeme pobjednika/Predicted time of the winner

12:00 - Predviđeni time limit i završetak utrke/Estimated time liit and completion of the race

12:30 - Objava neslužbenih rezultata/Publication of the unofficial results

12:30 - Istek vremena za prigovor/Expiration time for the objection

12:45. - Proglašenje pobjednika/ Winners announcement

13:00 - Zajednički ručak/ Lunch

14:00-17:00 Zabavni program uz DJ-a/ Entertainment program with a DJ



Organizers of the marathon:


Sponsors of the matarhon: