At the main altar with the tabernacle, a statue of Our Lady of Rosary dominates, luxuriously dressed and decorated by many gold and silver presents, with the Resurrection at the top, and two symmetrical lines of statues of St. Petar and St.Paul, parallel with the statue of, Our Lady, with St. Katarina, Holly Trinity and St.Dominik above it.
The other four altars belong to St. Šimun Bogoprimac, St Antun of Padova, The Heart of Jesus and to Our Lady of Seven Sorrows. The stone altar is facing the people and the church has a stone baptismal font and a stone stoup. A grave of Bishop Ivan Manol, who died in this Parish in 1712., while he was helping the pastor, is inside the church. The sisters Adorers of the blood of Christ are working in the Parish. The registers have been kept since 1825., while the old ones were burned.